March 28, 2009

Macey's First Road Trip!

Last weekend, we traveled to Kansas City, MO to watch our dear, sweet Tigers beat Maryland in round 2 of the NCAA Tournament. Of course, Macey (the fetus) went along for the fun! We're already teaching her to bleed Tiger blue.

Greg and I celebrating the Tiger victory!

Macey meeting her first famous person! (Blake Griffin, Oklahoma)

Just me and Macey!

March 6, 2009

Beginning of the Baby Belly

20 Weeks Along

It's A Girl!

As most of you who are reading this already know, we have a little baby girl on the way! Macey Diane Joyner will be here before we all know it! The official due date is July 22, 2009.

July. Hot. Summer. Sweltering. Memphis. Heat. All of that is to say--look out and be nice. By the time, I think I could do some real damage! (Ok, I'm kidding. At least a little bit...)