Good news: After an ultrasound, we learned Macey weighs about 6 pounds 14 ounces at this point, which sounds
much better than the 7.5 pounds the doctor "estimated" last week!
Great news: Macey's heart rate is strong and healthy.
Not-so-great news: I already have an unruly child! It seems that
someone (I won't name any names, but I am referring to the aforementioned 6 pound 14 ounce fetus in my womb), is upside down and plans to stay that way!
No worries-problem solved! Today we scheduled a c-section for Miss Macey's arrival next Thursday, July 16.
She officially has a birthday, and we couldn't be more excited!Of course, we'll keep everyone updated through the blog, Facebook, phone calls and e-mails. We are so thankful and blessed for all of our friends and family who are continually praying for us and Macey. We can't wait for everyone to meet her!