January 4, 2013

Melt My Heart

Ballet/tap begins next week. Find something cuter, I dare you.

January 3, 2013

Goals, People. Not Resolutions.

I'm going to start out 2013 with the intention of making attainable, weekly goals. I'll see how that goes and add on from there.

Because this week is practically over, I'm going to list two goals and let them last throughout the next week. (I'm counting the week that started on 12/30 as the first week.) I want to make these public with the hope that I will stick to them!

Goals for the first (well, what's left of it) and second weeks of January 2013:

  1. To have at least 15 minutes of quiet time with my Bible and a devotional every morning. My quiet times are sporadic at best lately, but I know how truly important that time is to grow in the Word, which I hope to do.
  2. To go at least three full days with NO sweets. To many, this probably seems ridiculously easy--so easy that it shouldn't be a goal. Listen, I have a major sweet tooth. Plus, my office is like an endless revolving door of donuts, chocolate and candy just about everywhere you look. Also, I stop by my parents' house and my in-law's houses at least twice a week, and the women of those households keep a wonderfully stocked kitchen of treats. Temptation is everywhere for this sweet-aholic. However, I can tell you now, today will not be a sweets-free day to mark of the list. It has already been ruined by Wild Berry Skittles. My current weakness. 
Well, there you have it. Good luck to me! What are your resolutions or goals, hopes or dreams for 2013?