I know, I know I didn't do a birthday post last month. It's been a busy couple months for Macey. She's rolling over like a pro, grabbing for objects and having more fun playing. She even had her first ear infection! Lucky girl, huh?
Another first? Her very first wreck! No worries, she wasn't hurt, but it was hilarious. At a recent trip to Ft. Worth, Greg and I took Macey on her first trip to the zoo! We had a great time looking at tigers, lions and...no bears.
While taking a peek at the tigers, Greg claims he was holding Macey's stroller handle. However, when he decided to take a picture, he let go of the stroller without realizing it. Moments later we heard a tiny crash and look over to see our 5-month-old baby girl about 20 feet away...downhill! Needless, to say we had a lot of laughs after we realized she was safe and sound!
We are so excited about our first Christmas as parents, and we can't wait to give Macey her little presents. We wish everyone out there a very Merry Christmas!
I'm still laughing at this...