December 22, 2011

Future Cheerleader?

We love our Memphis Tigers around here, including the kiddos!

Take a look at Macey doing the Tigers cheer (well...part of in anyway.) She then starts an impromptu melody of some of her favorite songs, but that's just extra fun!

(FYI...she's definitely outgrown the high chair, which is now Easton's, but I guess she likes to feel like a kid again.)

The Vintage Pearl Giveaway

I am a huge fan of The Vintage Pearl jewelry. Everything's beautiful, and what mom doesn't love their kids names on stuff!?

Here are a few of my favorite items:

They're having an awesome giveaway RIGHT NOW! Visit The Vintage Pearl site to enter for your chance to win one of five $100 gift certificates. Winner will be chosen and announced on  Christmas Eve. Good luck!

December 20, 2011

Macey "Resting"

We've had a busy day! I took the day off, and we went to the Enchanted Forest and saw Santa! So much fun...and now miss priss wants to skip her nap. :-) Here's a funny video of her showing me how she rests. We were just chatting, and I said, "Macey, you need to go to sleep." She said, "Ok!" And started closing her eyes, laughing of course. I thought it'd be a funny video...

December 12, 2011


Hanging out with daddy!

Pretty girl!

Easton's first Tigers game!

Macey's friend Averi sent her stickers for Christmas! I think she liked them!

Notice the shoes...with her pajamas. Yes, she also slept in them!

December 10, 2011

She Cracks Us Up...

Macey and I were upstairs watching Jungle Junction (a new favorite) when we heard Greg laughing downstairs.

She looked at me and said, "Daddy so crazy."

Love her!

December 4, 2011


Saturday, we took Macey to her first Tigers game of the season. As I've mentioned many times, she's a very active girl, so we chose a game that was expected to be a blowout (which it was) just in case she wanted to leave early (which she did). She seemed to love the craziness of it all, walking down Beale on the way to the game, dancing, music, cotton candy...but I'm almost positive she didn't even watch one play of the game.

Our seats are kind of high up, so I wonder if she could see so much in the surroundings that it was hard to focus on the actual game. She was great though, but she definitely won't be tagging along to any nail biter games, haha.

Check out my Memphis glasses!
Cotton candy! Which she hardly ate. Is this my child?!
And by the time we left, this is what she was more interested in!
We saw lots of bar-hopping Santas on the way to the car!
Lots of walking equals a tired girl (and daddy!)

December 3, 2011

I'm Not a Runner...but I want to be.

Next December (as in December 2012), I want to run in the St. Jude half marathon.

That sounds absolutely terrifying, but let me explain. Over the summer, I decided to train with the Couch 2 5K program and run in a local 5K, probably an easy feat for many. Greg agreed to do the same thing. I did both of those things, but I was disappointed in my lackluster commitment to the challenge.

For the first few weeks of the 9-week running program, I did great! I even went and bought new running shoes because my sore legs weren't helping. Around week four, Memphis had record-high temperatures, and the weather men were all, "Don't go outside. You'll probably die because the sun is literally touching down on Memphis soil," or something like that...Greg kept up his regular runs, but I didn't I mean the weathermen said not to, and who am I to argue WITH SCIENCE?

Well, the next week I got a summer cold and didn't have the energy to even consider running. By the time the next week rolled around, I was over it...didn't run again for about a month! And that was the day of the 5K I had signed us both up for! Needless to say, I wasn't pleased with my race performance. Greg did great, had no trouble, blah, blah, blah. (Love you, honey!) :-)

But today, which is the day of the annual St. Jude 5K, half marathon and marathon, I know many people who got up and RAN first thing in the morning. Me? I made waffles. They were delicious, but that's not the point. Soon, I'm SERIOUS about starting the Couch 2 5K program over again, running another 5K (with a better performance!) AND THEN continuing that training for a half marathon.

Wish me luck!

I can't help but agree with the chicken on the right...